I can’t believe we are at the end of Season 2! It’s also mind-boggling to me that 2021 is ending. It’s just crazy that we’ve been doing the TF&HK podcast for two whole years! It’s been hard and wonderful and scary and life-changing.

This year we have had so much fun and had amazing guests on the show. We kicked off the year with our relationship series, which was an absolute BLAST. The single ladies and single men panels were two of my favorite podcasts to record to date. We laughed so much all while talking about hard things, and I came away with deeper friendships and some new ones! Then we got to have two authors on the show, Lauren Lianne and Abby Turner! It was a privilege to have them on the show to share their stories and about the inspiration and heart behind their work. THEN we finished up the series with a fun aunt and uncle episode where Matt Slavik and I got to share our joy of aunting and uncling.

Next was our Missions Series, which was something I had been wanting to do since Trust Falls and High Kicks was even a real thing. Having been a missionary, it has always been on my heart to share with people the every-day, the “real life”, the messy and the beauty, of serving God in full-time ministry whether that be overseas or locally. I loved getting to introduce everyone to Laura in South Carolina/Slovakia, Rebekah in Germany, the Sanders in Papua New Guinea, and the Piersons in NW Arkansas/New Zealand. I actually had also interviewed my dear friends Lindsay and Andre Kravtsov, who are missionaries in Ukraine with Fellowship of Christian Athletes, but we had some major technical difficulties and half the interview was lost. SO we will have to bring them back on to share their powerful story in Season 3.

It has been an honor and a joy to share all these stories with you this season. We share our stories because we are called to do so. We share to help people not feel so alone. We share to help that next person’s hard not be so heavy. We share to bring others in on all the joy.  And most importantly, we share to point people back to the One who created us and Who has given us these stories to tell.

Now to wrap up Season 2, just like we did at the end of Season 1, we have dug back into the archives of the year and are sharing with you some of the pieces that didn’t make the final cut. Some are serious, some are silly, and some are just straight-up us laughing at each other.  I hope you enjoy these little extras, these glimpses back on this TF&HK podcasting year of 2021.

Per usual, all the note-worthy (or hilarious) and link-able things we mention in the podcast are listed below for your clicking convenience.

As Mentioned on the Podcast:


the socials

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AND on Facebook at Trust Falls and High Kicks.

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