this is actually more like me…
Trust Falls & High Kicks is a space to guide people to joy, vulnerability, and hope through our stories, with a few giggles along the way.
Trust Falls = obedience and hope and, of course, trust. Trust is hard. Being obedient to God’s leading, stepping out in faith, and hoping it will somehow work out, well, that’s super hard too. Sometimes we just have to let go, take the risk, trust, and fall.
High Kicks = living a life filled with hope and joy! When you’ve done the trust fall, whether you come out unscathed or not, hope and joy are there. Hope in what’s to come and in the redemption and salvation we have in Jesus. Rejoice because it’s in our DNA, and how cool is this life we get the privilege to live! We all need more high kicks in life…both figurative and literal.
Hey there! I’m Brittney…or BritBoat or Dee or B-Rit or BritBrit or…ok, I have a lot of nicknames, so feel free to pick your favorite and go with that. Though the accent only comes out on occasion, I’m a southern belle living in Northwest Arkansas. I have been a bit of a nomad, moving around a lot in my life. I’m hoping, though, to stay put here in the NWA for a while. I’m the crazy twin, punch-dancing aunt, high kicker, and enneagram 7. I’ve been known to sporadically burst into song or dance at any moment…public places are not off-limits.
I’ll be your tour guide through all the stories that will be told here on TF&HK. I am your chief storyteller sharing the rollercoaster that has been my life. I’m just a normal, wacky woman who has lived some life and learned a few things along the way. I’ve gone from aspirations of the American dream, to that missionary life in Ukraine, to experiencing trauma that brought me down the deep pit of depression, to fighting to get back to “normal,” to finally living my life in freedom filled with crazy joy and hope. This is my journey. I want to trust the Lord and His plans for me, falling into step with Him in obedience and boldness. Not only with obedience do I want to live this life God has for me, but also with joy! Sometimes you just gotta do some high kicks, even if you don’t want to.
Don’t get me wrong, everything is not all puppies dancing on rainbows now. I’m a 30-something *ahem single woman in the South. I should be married with fifteen babies by now! But this is my story, and I’m here to live it and share it with you along the way. I’m a big supporter of being authentic and transparent. I value those qualities. I need those in my life to be healthy and true to the me God created. Give me messy because I will give it to you…if you’re willing to receive it.
Without getting too Hallmark cheesey on you, I want TF&HK to be a safe space where we can come together, laugh until we pee our pants, support one another, and share all our hard, dirty, messy, big, beautiful, amazing life stories. That’s how we learn and hope and grow to be the men and women God created us to be! Dig deep with me and explore what it means to be vulnerable as we strive to live life with humble obedience and utter joy.
Come on, let’s do some trust falls and high kicks together! KICK!
brittney / britboat
My Life Around The World
Here are some of my favorite shots from all the places I’ve lived and visited. I want to encourage you to get out there and go to another state, country, continent, culture. Learn to say “thank you” in another language. Step out of your comfort bubble and see that God is way bigger than you ever imagined.