In this episode we are kicking off (pun absolutely intended) our Season Two Relationship Series! I am very excited about this series. One, because we are talking about something that is a big part of my life. And two, because we are bringing up stuff that not many people are talking about. This series is not just about marriage or how to get married. We’re going to talk about other types of relationships like being the awesome single lady or gentleman, the cool aunt or uncle, or the BFF-fo’ life friend.  We, of course, will talk about marriage and parenting, because those are just as important as the others; I just didn’t want it to be the focus like so many other relationship series do.

FIRST, we are talking about that single lady life with a panel of three wonderful single women: Lindsey Watson, Anna Reynolds, and Lindsey Kirk. These ladies bravely dive in the deep end with me, as we explore topics like contentment and unmet expectations. We also are talking to you married friends, who we love, about how to love your singles well. AND we are talking to the church. We have important conversations about how to the church can do better at caring for , valuing, and utilizing the singles as important members of the body. Oh and you know we also talk about online dating and all the Venus and Mars confusion. For all the single men out there, you get quite the peek inside the mind of a single woman in 2021. We just have the best time, and per usual, laugh a ton, so I know you are going to love this episode.

“THE PLEAMER” by Lindsey Watson

“THE PLEAMER” by Lindsey Watson

Lindsey Watson is ALSO one of our TFHK Cool Kids, as she’s one of our favorite photographers around. Seriously, she has been our go-to for all our family photoshoots. I should really have consulted her during THIS PHOTOSHOOT! Maybe it would’ve gone a little better? She is super talented and a lot of fun to work with. You can check out her photography on her website:

Lindsey has also been a guest blogger on the TFHK blog! You can read her wise and witty words in “THE PLEAMER,” where she shows us that planning and dreaming are great…as long as you’re letting God lead the way.


Lindsey Kirk: Instagram - @kirk.lindsey and Facebook - Lindsey Kirk

Anna Reynolds: Instagram - @annareynolds and Facebook - Anna Reynolds

Lindsey Watson: Instagram - @dvalndsy and Facebook - Lindsey Watson

Lindsey Faith Photography: Instagram - @lfp_seniors and Facebook - Lindsey Faith Photography

Check us out on Instagram: @trustfallsandhighkicks OR @britboat AND on Facebook at Trust Falls and High Kicks.

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