Because we are 168 days to Christmas, I decided to celebrate and give you the gift of introducing you to some of my favorites! Below are some of my favorite people and brands that I follow on the social medias, subscribe to their website/fan club, drink the Kool-Aid (not in a creepy way, though), purchase their products, etc. You’ll see people who I personally know and love AND those who I don’t know but wish I did because I’m convinced we’d be best friends (I’m talking to you, Chip and Joanna). Some of the people listed below can also be found on our TF&HK “Cool Kids” page, along with several others! Each listing is a link to his/her/their website for your clicking enjoyment!

So let’s get started! Are you excited?! I am!! Too many exclamation points? NEVER!!!

MY FUTURE BFFs (fingers crossed!):

  • Molly Reed Grayson, Sunday Bakes:  Instagram: @mollyreedgrayson - Y’all, Molly is so fun and quirky. I stumbled upon her profile scrolling through Instagram one day, and I’m so glad I did!  Molly is a songwriter, worship pastor’s wife, mom of two adorable kiddos, and mad baker. She shares tasty treats every Sunday during her segment “Sunday Bakes.” You will LOVE her!

  • Annie F. Downs: Instagram: @anniefdowns - Obviously.  I’m a serious Annie F. Downs fangirl, so it should come as no surprise she’s on the list.  Read her books, listen to her podcast, follow her on social media. Yes, amen.

  • Lindsay Teague Moreno, Boss Up!: Instagram: @lindsayteague - Who needs Rachel Hollis when you have Lindsay Teague Moreno.  Lindsay has such a great personality; she keeps it real and tells ya like it is...and loves Jesus.  She’s a business-growing boss and an inspiration.

  • Rachel Cruze: Instagram: @rachelcruze - I first came across Rachel Cruze when she was on the “That Sounds Fun” podcast.  She seemed so sweet, genuine, and wise. Also, she’s Dave Ramsey’s daughter, so when it comes to finances she for reals knows her stuff.

  • Dave Barnes: Instagram: @davebarnesmusic - HILARIOUS!  I can’t emphasize enough how funny this dude is.  He makes great music, but it’s that wit that keeps ya coming back for more.  Check out the “2018 Christmas Party Episode 7: Santa Claus” for proof.

  • Your Enneagram Coach, Beth McCord: Instagram: @yourenneagramcoach - You all know by now that I’m a fan of the enneagram.  I first learned about it on Annie’s podcast (I’m going first-name basis here like we’re actually friends; putting it out there hoping it sticks.) when she had Beth McCord on, and I have just been hooked ever since.  I think it is a beautiful tool to learn and grow not only in who I am, but in my relationships. To really know yourself is such a gift to yourself and to others! Your Enneagram Coach does a great job at breaking it down in terms we can all understand.  She has a FREE TEST you can take, as well as courses to dive deeper into finding out more about your number and others’.

  • Heart of Dating, Kait Warman: Instagram: @heartofdating and @kaitness - It’s hard to not make a Christian singles and dating program super cheesey and, well, lame.  Kait Warman has succeeded in creating a cool space and podcast for singles to be encouraged and glean wisdom from each other. She’s fun, relatable, and passionate about Jesus.  Single or married, give her podcast a listen...good stuff.

  • Shanty to Chic: Instagram: @shanty2chic - I see myself as a somewhat crafty person. I can paint, sew, and repurpose and old piece of furniture. But I’ve always thought it would be so cool to be able to build something from scratch. These sisters are the masters at creating simple, gorgeous pieces and showing you step by step how to do it! Oh that dream bathroom vanity (yes, some people dream of bathroom vanities) that you thought would be impossible to have, well at Shanty-to-Chic here are three easy steps to building it. So maybe it’s more than three steps, but still! Give them a look, and maybe you’ll be inspired and find yourself building!


  • Kate at Little Things Studio:  Instagram: @littlethingsstudio - Kate Whitley makes BEAUTIFUL things.  These are hand-crafted items with meaning behind them. Each letter and shape is uniquely drawn by Kate.  Her hymn calendars are my go-to gift every Christmas. I have four of her hymn tea towels hanging in my kitchen, along with several of her prints.  She also has a powerful story, as she shares her battle with Hashimoto's disease the crazy health path it has taken her on. Kate is as southern as can be, and I’m there for every minute!  I strongly encourage you to check her out and decorate your home with all her beautiful creations.

  • Nourishing Life by Jes, Jessica Looney:  Instagram: @nourishinglifebyjes - Just in case you missed Jessica’s debut on the blog, I wanted to make sure you found out about her here.  She’s a joy and has so much to share with the world. Her own health journey brought her to created Nourishing Life by Jes, so that she can inspire others to health and wellness and debunk some of the misconceptions of what it means to be healthy.  It’s not just about food, though. She’s all about overall health, health in relationships, personal growth, spiritual growth, family, fitness, skincare, etc. Check her out!   

  • This Beautiful Mom Life, Allison Smith Instagram: @thisbeautifulmomlife - I actually went to high school and played softball with Allison.  Her family’s story of great loss and great joy is inspiring. She’s a teacher, kick-ass mom, and wife. Check out her blog and Instagram to learn more about all the twists and turns of her life.  

  • David and Whitney Scott, Whitney Scott Photography: Instagram: @whitneyscottphotography - I have known David and Whitney since church camp circa 1998.  These two are silly, loving, courageous, and extremely talented. Their photography will blow you away!  Seriously. They are quite the big deal here in Northwest Arkansas. They not only take the pictures but also teach other photographers how to hone their craft.  They’re just great. I love them, and hope you do too.  

  • LeapKnot Coffee Roasters: Instagram: @leapknot - Ok, so I haven’t technically met Travis and Megan Voskamp in person, but I feel like I know them as we have mutual friends.  I anxiously await every gorgeous Instagram picture and email newsletter. Located in the mountains of Pocatello, Idaho, LeapKnot has a beautiful mission of bringing people together through delicious, well-crafted coffee.  And they’re doing it, with passion and joy. I hope to actually be in the same room with the Voskamps one day and do some fireside coffee drinking, talking about deep life things, and laughing about all things ridiculous...one day. 

  • SnackLab: Instagram: @snacklabnwa - These people are doing healthy, convenient, “fast food” right.  Now, I’m not a health nut by any means, but I really do want to make healthy choices and am working at making changes toward that in my life.  SnackLab is my local go-to for just that. They serve these wonderful bowls (and other things, but I just love the bowls) made with fresh, natural, flavorful ingredients.  If you can’t have the gluten or dairy or whatever, they got you. If you can eat all the gluten your heart desires, then they got you too! It’s all delicious. Man, now I’m hungry.  

  • Whoa Wait Walmart, Bethany and Amanda: Instagram: @whoawaitwalmart - There is a stigma about Walmart, that it is a subpar shopping experience (to put it nicely).  But Whoa Wait Walmart is changing that narrative. These two ladies, Bethany and Amanda, started Whoa Wait to show people the cool, interesting, and unique things they would find at Walmart, and they have grown to thousands of followers, collaborating with major brands across the nation.  Need thrifty clothing inspiration? Check. Need a recipe idea? Check. Need help choosing the saucepan that’s right for you? Check and check. I have actually also known Bethany since the same church camp as the Scott’s since 1998! She’s a mom to two sweet girls and wife to a crazy, hilarious Adam.  She loves Jesus and loves people well.

  • Lindsay Watson, Lindsay Faith Photography:  Instagram: @dvalndsy and @lfp_seniors - We met Lindsey a couple weeks ago when she wrote on the TF&HK blog (“The Pleamer”)!  Lindsay is not only a dear friend, but also a very talented photographer and designer in Central Arkansas. She’s living that single girl life and hustling to thrive her business.  Talk about someone who as been through a crap-ton of plot twists in life but continues to do those high kicks while trusting God with each next step.  

  • Airship Coffee: Instagram: @airshipcoffee - Best coffee in Northwest Arkansas.  Hands down. Mark Bray is a genius when it comes to all the plant things.  He’s actually an agronomist, which is an expert in the science of soil management and crop production (yes, of course I had to google that).  Ya, smart science stuff. Mark and his crew care deeply about the quality of their coffee but also about where their coffee comes from; they are personally involved in each of the coffee farms where their beans are sourced. They’ve been there, met the families who they are helping to support, and educate them on how to grow their businesses.  Check out Airship online (they have pretty sweet canister refill program) and go visit their cafe off 5th Street in Bentonville, AR!

ANNND that’s all for today, folks.  SHEW! I had so much fun making this list!  I hope you check out these fabulous people and find some of your new favorites.