“Based on the lab results, you are growing extremely aggressive precancerous polyps in your colon. We have never seen a case like this in our practice. The chances of you having colon cancer before you are 40 is very high. Since these are genetic in nature, it would be worth exploring if you have a familial cancer elsewhere in your body.”
I was 23 when I heard this from the doctor after a colonoscopy. As you can imagine, so many feelings came bubbling to the surface: fear, disbelief, confusion, and overwhelming panic. I was healthy, fit, a size 2, didn’t drink, never smoked, and ate a balanced diet, so hearing this didn’t make sense.
This diagnosis started me on a journey. A journey that has had many highs and terrifying lows. Looking back, I am thankful for it, and I now know how quickly health and a “normal life” can be taken away. Each day, each relationship, every workout, and each nourishing food is a GIFT!
The syndrome for the polyps I grow now has a name: Sessile Serrated Polyposis Syndrome (quite a mouthful right?!). My doctors told me that food doesn’t really affect your colon if you have genetic colonic issues. I wasn’t satisfied with that answer. So, after months of research with trial and error food restrictions, I found an eating combo that curbed the growth of my polyps. I still have one or two polyps show up, but they are very small and not precancerous like they used to be. This is a huge win and relief for me and for my family, since my children have a chance of this too. Hopefully, though, eating this way, and living a healthy life, will help tame the beast.
So, I thought I had finished the colon-polyp journey. I learned more about my syndrome. I discovered a diet that worked for me. I changed our food and tried to create a non-toxic environment in our home with our air, cleaning products, laundry products, lotions, and more. I felt like I finally had some control, but there was more, another, darker chapter to this journey.
Flash forward 10 years, three kids and two big moves later. I was even more fitness focused, and got certified to teach barre. I was feeling good, loving all things health creating kick-butt workouts. But, after teaching for about a year, I noticed numbness in my arms and legs after teaching. It got so bad that I had to stop. It continued to get worse; it was so bad that I couldn’t walk because of the numbness. In addition to being incapacitated, I had gastro issues, migraines, sleeplessness, debilitating fatigue, and skyrocketing anxiety. No one could figure out what was going on, and it kept getting worse. Mentally, it was the hardest battle I have ever fought. I could not take care of my kids or my house; I gave up a job I loved, and I felt utterly worthless. I had followed all the health rules -- eating the right things, exercising, etc. On the outside I looked like the perfect example of healthiness...WHY ME?!
In the dark days, confined to my room in our house for almost two months, the Lord taught me so much. I learned that I had to accept help (which I had never done well before) and allow others to serve me in a time of need. I hated the feeling of weakness that came with that, but the Lord showed me His strength in my weakness. It changed the way I view myself, relate to others, and even how I lead others now. I had to battle anxiety, something I didn’t understand before, and now have empathy for the thousands battling this within themselves.
The dark days concluded with a failing gallbladder that brought me to the hospital, which was then further complicated by sepsis (a blood infection that is often deadly). Both my doctor and chiropractor said I was incredibly lucky to live. SPARED AGAIN! Another chance to live.
I want to say I capture and savor each moment. That I constantly speak words of life, am always thankful and exuding joy. But that is not true. I still worry. I still struggle because I'm human. God has given me a deep peace, though, that pushes me through each day reminding me this life is a gift. This gift has almost been taken away a couple times now, so I'm not going to waste it!
Genetics and food. I have learned even more about genetics and food than most people would ever want to know! I know what food works with my body and what doesn’t. I have the most amazing genetic naturopath in Pennsylvania who has taught me a deeper level about my body by ready my genes. I learned that all of my workouts can’t be high intensity. I need meditation, yoga, and silence as well. I learned that every time I work out it is a gift, and I remind my fitness clients to thank their body every time. Everyone is on a health journey that encompasses the mind, body, belly, and soul. You just might not realize it yet!
I love helping people move forward in their journey through nutrition education, creating wholesome kid-loving recipes, skincare that nourishes the body, and barre in the kitchen workouts. You can find me on Instagram as @NourishingLifebyJes and Facebook. Thank your body today!
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