Sure, I’m outgoing.  Yes, I’m an enneagram 7, which means I like a good time and experiencing new things.  Am I comfortable speaking into a microphone, on a stage, in some accent I just made up?  Of course! HOWEVER, I can also be quite socially awkward. When I enter into a situation where this is a large group of people--and I don’t know anyone and/or don’t have an assigned role--I get super shy and anxious.  I know, shocker, but it’s true! I find a seat in a corner, pretend to be checking something on my phone, or walk around the room then escape to the restroom. It’s a condition. I’m treating it with continuing to say yes to positive things that may take me out of my comfort zone.

This past weekend I went to my first conference as Trust Falls and High Kicks.  It was for sure out of my comfort-zone. TF&HK is a passion-project for me. I didn’t start it to make money or become famous.  I started it to share my and others’ stories, to inspire and make people laugh, cry, or both simultaneously. I felt God’s leading and stepped out in obedience, though it was scary...still is.  To put myself out there as TF&HK, at a conference filled with other, far more experienced bloggers, podcasters, and social media extraordinaires, felt big. It felt like I was being introduced to society, and I feared that no one would ask me to dance.  All my insecurities were on overdrive!

I gave myself a pep talk and went all in, and it was so worth it!  I learned a ton, not only about myself and my vision for what I’d like TF&HK to become, but also about things I’ve never even thought about like SEO (search engine optimization 😳), podcast hosting sites, and social media hacks.  I also learned I’m not great at explaining what TF&HK is about to strangers. *face palm* WHAT?! I can write about it and tell my friends about it all day long, but with strangers I found myself EXTREMELY insecure when explaining what it is that I’m doing here.  

I don’t fit in one of the typical niches.  I don’t write about fashion (well, except for that one time), DIY’ing, mom life, finances, or recipes for the best caramel apple french toast (though, that does sound delicious).  I write about my life and Jesus, and I invite other people to share their lives. It’s big and important stuff. But for some reason I felt small and irrelevant. I compared my 160 Instagram followers to others’ 2,000+ and decided I was insignificant, silly, and not worth mentioning.  I stayed in my bubble with the two other people I knew and mostly kept to myself.

On day two I got a text from my sis/sidekick high-kicker that 1) made me cry and 2) gave me the boost I needed to forget all the comparison crap and be myself, remembering what inspired me to do any of this in the first place!  I also put on loop in my brain a pep talk that my friend Lauree gave me a few months ago after talking about yet another guy I liked who didn’t like me back. She simply said, “Brittney [remember], you’re the cool one.” When I feel anxious, small, and not-good-enough around someone who I’ve (for some reason or another) deemed is way cooler than me, I act just that way: small and insignificant.  But, I’m not! I’m the cool one dang it! So I stepped it up, introduced myself to tons of people, and guess what happened? They were awesome.  

I mean, I didn’t become best friends with every person I met, but I found myself becoming a part of a community of people who truly support and understand each other, sharing insecurities, fears, dreams, and everything in between.  The more confident I got, and, honestly, the more I prayed for His guidance and strength, the more I was able to convey the purpose and vision for TF&HK more clearly.  And people dug it! I heard, “I love that!” and “that’s so cool!” AND “I’d love to write a post for you!” Umm, yes please! It was so so encouraging. Lesson learned.

So I’m fired up now.  It’s a teenage fire, not full-blown adult yet, but a fire nonetheless.  I’m ready to keep stepping out, keep putting TF&HK out there, and see what God can do.  So, next up: the Trust Falls and High Kicks Podcast!  

Yep, it’s going to happen.  This I vow! I love writing and have received so many positive comments saying that y’all are loving the blog, but I know the thing I need to do is start podcasting.  I feel it in my bones that it’s my next step, but, again, it’s scary. Did you know I’ve actually already taped a couple interviews? Yep. I’ve researched “how-to” guides, written outlines, researched equipment, interviewed a couple people, researched sound editing...and continue to put that launch date off while those unedited interviews sit in a folder ready to be sparks to build on that fire.  I’ve let fear stop me no more! I’m punching fear in the throat and putting it in writing, so you--my readers--are now my accountability partners! I will get that podcast out, and soon you will get to hear the sweet, sultry sound of my voice in your ears. HIGH KICK!

So that’s what I did last weekend.  No biggie. Just the usual, changing lives over here and stuff.