THAT'S A WRAP - 2020

This is it! The last episode of Season One of the Trust Falls and High Kicks Podcast comes out today. Wow. We made it. I’m going to be totally honest here and say I’m super surprised I made it this far. This may be one of those things you’re not really supposed to say out loud, but we’re all friends here…plus I created TFHK to be a safe space to be transparent and vulnerable. I’m super good at dreaming, vision-casting, and making plans. It’s just the execution and follow-through of those dreams, visions, and plans that I’m not always so great at. When things get too hard, or I get stressed out by everything I have to do, I tend to just stop. When a lot is on my plate, instead of pushing through the hard and persevering, I can feel paralyzed, so I do nothing. And slowly that turns into never picking it back up again to finish. But I did it. I finished. I executed, through the hard, and overwhelming, and filled-to-the-brim plate. I’m so stinking proud of myself!

But I for sure didn’t do it alone. My sister, and sidekick high-kicker, Brooke, is the one who kept me focused. She pushed and encouraged me to be better, to keep showing up. And she showed up. She was there to produce every recording, listened to every first cut, read every first draft, and took every picture and video. She is the Enneagram 1 that this Enneagram 7 desperately needs, and she does it happily. This is just as much hers as it is mine.

Above it all, though, all the praise and glory goes to God. I wouldn’t be doing any of this if He hadn’t told me to. He provided every microphone, every resource, and every guest, every story. It’s all His.

Thank you. Thank you for listening, for reading, and for subscribing! Don’t worry, we’re not done! Though Season One has ended, we are coming back loud and proud in January with Season Two. I’m SO EXCITED!!!

In Season One of the podcast, every other episode we bring you a mini-episode where I talk through a season on the roadmap that is my story.  I share with you the silly and fun stories but also the deep, messy, and hard ones. Then we brought on some awesome people to share their stories. 

It has been an absolute privilege to be an avenue for people to walk us through their hard, their highs and lows, their trust falls and high kicks.  The stories that have been shared are not for shock and effect, or to just talk about how hard life is.  I mean, it is hard, but that’s not the point. All of us whose stories have been told this first season are survivors and thrivers. These stories are ones of passion and bravery. Of calling and humility. Of obedience and trust. Of expectation and plot twists. Of trauma and depression. Of community and friendship. Of forgiveness and grace. Of redemption and thankfulness. And of newfound hope and joy!

We share our stories because we called to do so. We share to help people not feel so alone. We share to help that next person’s hard not be so heavy. We share to bring others in on all the joy.  We share to point people back to the One who created us, and Who has given us these stories to tell.

To wrap up Season One of TFHK we thought it would be fun to dig back into the archives of the year and share with you some of the clips that didn’t make the final cut. Some are serious, and some are just straight-up us laughing at each other.  I hope you enjoy these little extras, these glimpses back on this TFHK podcasting year of 2020. You can listen here on the website or on your favorite podcasting app (links below).

In the spirit of giving, since it is Christmas time after all , could you spread the word and tell your people about Trust Falls and High Kicks? We want everyone to experience the hope and joy that comes with vulnerable, transparent life-sharing. Whether it be on social media, signing up for the newsletter on the website, and/or subscribing to the podcast, let’s share TFHK with as many people as possible to grow this community!