I didn’t anticipate it would wrap up just yet, but we are officially out of the Relationship series and headed into our next one. You know it’s just like that saying, we make plans and God laughs. I planned to do a marriage, parenting, and friendship episode. The episodes we had lined up didn’t work out, BUT God put Lauren Lianne and Abby Turner into the line I will happily receive those awesome pivots. God did some amazing things during the relationship series. We received so many messages and comments about how refreshing it was to hear about singleness from a perspective that doesn’t portray us singles as broken, sad people all in the waiting. Seriously, the whole series was so much more of a blessing than I could’ve ever anticipated.

AND NOW….drumroll please…We are starting a new series on MISSIONS! As you all know, I was a missionary for about 3 years in Ukraine, which was a bumpy yet glorious ride. An experience I would never take back, no matter how much pain I went through to be able to say that. In this series, I want to give a different perspective on that missionary life. I want to go beyond the email newsletter, and give you real stories from real people doing big things for Jesus.


First up Brooke (my sis, the sidekick) and I are kicking things off with an intro episode to the series. We are talking about our misconceptions of what a missionary looks like and what our role is in God’s Great Commission. We also have some story time with Brooke, as she shares about her first overseas mission trip experience in Thailand and Laos. Good times!!

As Mentioned on the Podcast:

the socials

Check us out on Instagram: @trustfallsandhighkicks OR @britboat AND on Facebook at Trust Falls and High Kicks.

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